StoryLetter January2024

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from West Sound YFC! Our team has been praying for God to present opportunities for our ministries to grow and for our students to open their hearts to hearing about Christ’s love.

Ministry Stories

Jacob and I met a few years ago when the Underground opened up and I first started volunteering at Fairview Middle School. One thing we have always bonded over is shooting hoops; it’s easy to do while connecting with those around you. We have had great conversations over the years and now he is getting ready to enter high school soon. It’s been crazy to reflect on how not only time passes, but what changes in that time.

We have had a lot of conversations throughout the years and I have had the opportunity to see Jacob grow as an individual. I have seen him get challenged in various aspects of life and one thing I admire about Jacob is that he thoughtfully responds with an amazing perspective of life. It reminds me that as we go through life, God is working in us and through us in ways we might not always understand or comprehend.


Juvenile Justice Ministry

Campus Life Leader

East Bremerton Area

Isaiah is one of our Freshman students who has quickly become a regular at the Bremerton Center. Last week, I got the opportunity to sit with him as he shared more about his story. Isaiah comes from a low income family who struggles to make ends meet, his family often takes home bags of food from school and on occasion attends a local church where the pastor speaks while providing dinner to guests.

In our conversation, it came out that he was interested in learning more about Jesus, I was able to offer him a Bible and encourage him to continue attending dinner church. I felt blessed to be able to listen to Isaiah’s story and have the opportunity to engage in meaningful Christ-sharing discussions. I am excited to see Isaiah walk down the path towards Jesus.


Campus Life Leader

Bremerton Area

Kayla students has been attending our drop-in center since the beginning of the school year. She tends to be quiet and does not speak much to us but she is always kind and happy every time she walks in through the door.

One day her mom stopped in and told us how thankful she is that we have provided a space for her daughter and other kids in the community to hang out. She then asked if there was any food she could donate and the next day Kayla’s mom came back with lots of items for our students and once again shared with us how much she appreciated the center for her daughter.

Yes, we create relationships with students but we also have an opportunity to build relationships with parents and families as well. It was such an incredible blessing.


Campus Life Leader

East Bremerton Area

One of the most amazing feelings is knowing that our students enjoy being at our centers and look forward to stopping by every week. Especially when the students play games together and have fun discussions that lead to everyone laughing and getting to know one another.

The other day, I was out on the basketball court and James approached me and shared how much he appreciated everyone at The Next Door, and that their cheerful smiles and conversation always improved his mood.

We are incredibly thankful for our compassionate volunteers that encourage the students to participate in games and conversations with one another.  


Campus Life Leader

Poulsbo Area


StoryLetter February2024